1. Page 475-  This test that Wasik is talking about on this page sounds great.  I am actually thinking about taking this my self.  When reading all the numbers from 1-25 and the questions that go along with them I can really tell the kind of person Bill Wasik is.  I feel like we should all do this as a society.  It will help us all get to know the kind of people we are.  The one thing that I am confused with on this test is how it gets scored.  Wasik says on the page “Farmer and Sundberg found the average score to be roughly 10.  My own score is 16, and indeed when I pursue the list of correct answers I feel as if I am scanning a psychological diagnosis of myself.”  How would there be a right answer and a wrong answer?  Wouldn’t everybody have a different answer?  So that would mean that there would not be one set in stone answer, it would vary depending on the person. I liked when he said it feels as if he is scanning a psychological diagnosis of himself.  That is basically what this whole test is about. it is to get to know yourself better.
  2. Wasik talks about the internet being a good thing in today’s society in the second half of the third paragraph on page 480.  He talks about how the internet has changed not only all of the ways we can communicate but the whole culture as a whole.  I think he is write in how it has changed the whole culture.  I think it changed in a good way.  We are able to communicate with others faster than ever.  It allows us to send a text message and that person will get that message is about two seconds unlike before before all this technology came out where you had to write a letter and have someone deliver it to wherever that person lived at that time.  He also talks about how we had a vague notion in the in the offline age.  I think he is right as he says it there.  We as a culture use a different language then when we were in the older days.  It has evolved into more in depth society.
  3. I would have to argue that Bill Wasik does pursue purpose and meaning in his essay.  What his purpose is throughout this essay is about the internet.  I think the section that best shows him pursuing purpose is in the Experiment: The Mob Project section.  I also believe that The Meme Supreme section also shows his purpose.  Memes are entirely based on the internet.  If the internet had never been invented memes would not have been either.  I think Wasik does accomplish what he sets out to do.  I think he sets out to do is to tell us that the internet is a useful tool for us as humans now.  We have became a lot more book smart with the invention of the internet.