The first thing I will be doing to revise my essay is to clear up my thesis statement.  When Carolyn was reading my paper she couldn’t find it clearly so that will be the first thing I will be doing when I am rewriting this paper.   The next thing that I will be doing is expanding on all of my thoughts.  What Carolyn said was that I would write a good sentence then I would just stop at the end of that sentence and she said that the reader will be questioning  what I meant because I didn’t explain it.  To reach my goal for this paper is going to have be again having people read over my final paper.  In my last paper I had a couple of sentences that were confusing so I need to make sure that doesn’t happen again in this paper.  I also have another goal which I will also find the most challenging is going to have it meet the page requirements.  In my last paper I wrote 5 and 1/4 pages, so I am hoping that it comes easy to me and that I can write that much with this paper.